The FaceMaster Course

Friday, November 24, 2006

Acne Lies For Profit

How do you control a population of people? You could physically imprison them, but a more practical way is to withhold true information from them or overload them with false information to hide the truth. In other words you deny them the information that would set them free. Trap them in ignorance.

Well if you have acne you are being controlled by others who wish to profit from you. They saturate you with information so that you cannot find the solution to your problem. This keeps you looking for more solutions spending more and more...

...and it leads only to further frustration, desperation and insult to injury- a light wallet.

Acne is a multi-billion dollar industry, but none of the companies or people in it have a true scientific approach to curing your acne. In truth most money spent is not on scientific research and development but on marketing. They market that they are scientists in their white lab jackets conducting research! Think of it like this. How many times have you bought a new product and been ask by the company/owner/writer if it worked for you? They do not care about your acne. They care only about their profits. Their products invariably do not work. Most
do not offer a money back guarantee and if they do only a minority of acne sufferers ask for their money back- hardly a dent in their profits. Yet they hardly ever get a repeat order and would go out of business if it wasn't for the fact that they can just sell to the next batch of spotting youths, marketing their lies and ripping off their vulnerable new customers again and again.

Most of these self-proclaimed experts and practitioners have never scientifically researched acne. To them it is just a profitable market because you are so desperate for the solution you will try anything.

Im sorry if Im stepping on some big toes here or if you think this sounds like a wild conspiracy theory. I'm putting together a page of proof of this so look back here soon, but if you know anything about Internet Marketing you will know I am talking the truth.

It's a cruel twist in the story of an acne sufferer who all that time thought the enemy was his acne, yet all along the enemy was his helper- the one who offered a solution. The acne sufferers helper masterminds his enslavement.

You may have initially thought the internet offered new hope to you after the failed dermatologist 'treatments'. But has it done anything but waste your time and money? You would not be here looking if the Internet had already offered you the solution.


So where does this leave The FaceMaster Course? Well I hope you do try it despite what I have just said. I know I can definitely help you clear your acne. I had acne for 8 years until just a few months ago. All you can do really is trust me, appreciate that the information has been made available and that I am spending time trying to get people to read it! For me I can think of nothing better than turning a very negative condition that I had for 8 years of my life into a massive positive for others, because believe me, only those that have had acne would care enough to help properly and end the confusion.

And don't forget that if you do the course you will be helping others with acne too! When you complete the course by successfully clearing your acne, you can help others achieve the same by telling them it works which means more people will try it and say goodbye to their misery too!

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